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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Whiff of the Bean Bags

Whiff of the Bean Bags

Glad my bartenders in Ally know how to pamper me with my own "coffee twenty". There's always a muddled  grin on their faces everytime I order this drink, as they still believe that it doesn't exist. Anyhow, whoever blends it for me, it just perfectly melds with my caffeinated  tastebuds. It's worth spending a dime  on these young adults' hidden talents of spoiling me with my "princess" illness.  

By the way, burning my butt in cafes has encouraged me to make my own blushy, flashy concoction in the future. It doesn't matter where,  as long as it's by the place where we can enjoy the warm whiff of the fireplace in summer while reminiscing the good old days, winding roads and the chuckles of the kids' scarlet cheeks in winter. This is simply an escape in which cherry blossoms are just around the corners of the scattered, florid bean bags on the occupied, overwhelmed, rugged canvas of despicable yet humble ambitions.  And each moment is captured by the invigorating, rolling films which give each sip an everlasting life of love and hope. 

One day...this declaration would surprise you  with incredible, restless spirits of success. Have faith, keep in mind that you are awesome in your own little ways! 

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