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Monday, 21 April 2014

Errands Almost Done

Sunday-April 20,2014

Thank goodness errands almost done...honestly these have been driving me insane but i realized that I've also learned a lot from those tasks. As usual, it was a very lazy Sunday that all I could do was to wish I were in Viber and or Wechat with Panther, Barbie, Lovinni and Geleen.


Dear Panther,

Thanks really for your sincere prayers, I couldn't ask God for more for having you because you're always there for me no matter how tied up you are at work and personally. My apologies for not having a wifi connection here...I could've stalked you more. LOL! Hugs and Kisses from me and Teddy, and lots of love, too.

107th song: Ours by Taylor Swift

"We will never care, yeah? Hihihi..awww miss you lots!"


Monday-April 21,014

Finally, I was able to settle safe one of the most important documents for the property today. Though it took me all day to run to and fro to finish everything, it was a real success. In two days, I'll take care of my personal stuff in the city and prepare to be back to my second home, Vietnam.

108th song: Today Was a Fairytale by Taylor Swift

"Ive been always cheesy, I know right? But I wanna say that, THAT ONE DAY will come when I could hug you really tight and make me feel that everything will be alright." Luv ya lots!