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Saturday, 5 April 2014

The Best Medicine

"It doesn't matter whether you've been to different continents or not, what matters is how you grow after every journey and snap shot."

Getting ready for the Philippines in a few hours and...the best thing about this trip was, it taught me how to become stronger and more independent financially, emotionally and most of all keeping in touch with my loved ones no matter how hectic days are especially when you don't have a personal phone number. Well, thanks to the internet, I could still keep my friends and family members in viber, skype and mails and of course my Panther in Wechat. 

That feeling when you don't wanna leave Siem Reap because people are just so nice, as well as the very rich culture this city has given me. I couldn't thank God for more for the opportunity to meet this souls especially when I went to Bakong village where children had to wear very old uniforms at school, and they normally stop learning at grade four which is heart-breaking. I asked if someone might be NGOs had reached the place, they said NO...Not Yet. I hope one day, I could help...I'll be posting the photos later with the hope that someone who has a heart of gold could help reach the kids in this community. 

In addition, the very delicious and nutritious lunch was served by a local family in Kompong Khleang an hour by jeep from Bakong village.This village literally floats during rainy seasons so they make sure the pillars of their houses are more than 3 meters high or even higher. Will be posting an article on these villages as well the pictures on my next post. 


To my Panther,

I'm leaving for the Philippines later and won't be able to reach until Monday...hopefully I could get an internet connection nearby my little town because mom doesn't have any. LOL. I love you so much and Teddy says he misses you, too. Hope you're having a wonderful and safe weekend..........MWah! 

Your 92nd song:  Easy to Love You by Shayne Ward

"You always tell me how beautiful and perfect I am. This makes keeps me younger, happier and feeling prettier each day."  I wanna tell you how amazing and wonderful you are, Panther. Hugsss and Kisses from Teddy again. 

Photo of the Day:  Me for You LOL

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