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Saturday, 19 April 2014

Lenten Season

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Miyerkules Santo-you're supposed to go fasting at least starting today because of the observance of the Lenten season. Alright then, stick to veggies and fish until Easter Sunday. 

Hope all is well...Teddy and I miss you LOL! Be safe always! 

103rd song: Home by Daughtry

Photo of the day: The Hill view of the Old Church

Thursday-April 17,2014

---In the afternoon, I ran away to the hills with my camera to release my anger after the argument with mom this morning.

Holy Thursday- Since I left the Catholic church in 2006, am a bit keen on those visiting servants of the local Catholic churches called, "Apostoles", to bless each house and of course you're supposed to leave an offering on the altar. Well, I got nothing against the religion because I was born and raised in a devout family of Catholics. This isn't a big deal and as much as I really wanna say something on the way they do it, I just want to give them the "respect" that they deserve because at least they're serving the Lord. 


104th song:  (Waiting for) Superman by Daughtry
Photo of the Day: Our Escape

Friday-April 18,2014

Good Friday- I had an argument  yesterday with my mom, so today I'm talking to anyone because am not in the mood. I thought, it's a bad day and I just want to run away the same thing I did yesterday. Anyhow, I managed to save my day and yet I was able to take evening photos with the small creatures by the seashore because I failed to shoot the starts for they were covered with clouds. 

105th song: Photograph by Nickelback
Photo of the Day: The Very Calm part of the sea at NIGHT

Saturday-April 19, 2014

Black Saturday- Woke up early to finish the talk with the owners of the property we are going to buy...and thank goodness everything is fine now. On Monday, we're going to settle to documents so I could also do my errands before I go back to  Ha Noi.

106th song: Savin Me by Nickelback
Photo of the day:  The Crab at NIGHT


  1. hi sue! happy easter! any updates with your flight back?

  2. dugay kaayo gi send ang ako nga tickets lovey haha ako pa follow up woaaa

  3. omg! pls follow up...unsaon na lang ma una ko abot nimo...wa baya ko nag book hotel. unsa man mag book daan?
