Thursday, May 15, 2014
Had I known I didn't have class, I could've slept all day. LOL! Anyhow, I realized that God has His purpose for me to spend more time with Him, and perhaps there's something He wants me to do. AND, oh I have started proofreading the translations already and this sounds good to me.
Panther's 132nd song: The Look of Love by Dusty Springfield
"My luv was exhausted from work today....awww wish I was there to cuddle him and attend to his dinner." Keep the faith my dear, things will surely get better and better...hugs and kisses to the campers from Teddy.
Photo of the Day: Rear View
Friday, May 16th, 2014
At least, I was happy with my class though I knew that I still have to improve on a lot of things. Anyhow, things will get better as long you strive to be an achiever not for your own good but for others.
Your 133rd song is: You Really Got Me by the Kinks
"Missing Panther so much as well as the campers, can't wait on that day when I molly-cuddle the whole family. Lots of luv from us!"
Photo of the Day: Tomb Raider
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