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Friday, 2 August 2013

A Letter for Mama

A Letter for Mama

                                                                                                                                                August 02, 2013
Ally Coffee, FPT University-Hoa Lac Campus

Dear Mom,

Mama, this letter is written to inform you that your awesome and lovely daughter is still "single".  You might wonder why....she's not dumb, nor too ugly. Dad said she is a smart kid and he believes that her legs aren't too short for a fanciful leap.  
Uhmmm she's a people person, a sweetheart, and a "stage actor".  On the other hand, she's vain, vulnerable, but can be a mere boy at times. She has her own "naked" fashion style. Well, she can wear anything from high-heels to pumps to sneakers and flats. Dresses up like a little woman and cackles as of a significant other, though  most of the time, you can't stop her from going to school with her chucks, blue jeans and loose-fitting shirts.  

Sometimes she feels like she's been doing the same plain-vanilla things all her life that she has thought of giving up.  Where are the adventures outside her most disgusting timezone? I think those are just what she needs together with the fulfillment of her unwanted frustrations-photography and journalism.  And... feeding her irk feet is her  priority though she can't deny that she gets lonely especially running into sweetmeats on the streets, the movies and or the "joe" shops.  Her friends think that she's too childish and reckless and they're still waiting for her to mature.  The way she chuckles and giggles everytime she thinks of her ideal guy is so "high school"!  Deep inside her heart, she will never grow up-let's accept it then as she's only on the first blush of her 30s.     So Mama,  before I hit the salutation, I just want to tell you that you and dad are my first and everlasting  love. 

Stop worrying mom...God isn't done writing my love story yet. 

Yours Truly,


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