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Friday, 9 August 2013

Be Thankful

Be Thankful 

Higlands Coffee caught me with their greasy tuna baguette with fresh coconut juice for my late high tea.  It has been a week since I got knocked off with severe gastritis, so I have been very careful with my meals.  As soon as the waiter handed the hoagie in... I immediately grabbed a bite coz I was starving-only to find out that there  were more minced white onions  than tuna. Gosh...I wanted to throw up coz of the fact that onions have very high acid content, and yes it's bad for my inflamed insides. 

Before I had a chance to call the waiter to clean up the leftovers, I saw three young adults from the crystal clear glass wall, with  their backpacks. On their right hand were pairs of shoes to sell. I wasn't my fault if they couldn't even sip the cheapest drip coffee in town.  Instead, I stopped muttering and quickly ingested the whole submarine and said, "Thank God for this awesome lunch." 

Sometimes we are too comfortable with what we have that we don't even appreciate its value. We don't need to give the unfortunate ones money, food, clothes, rather be thankful and be content with what God has given us. 

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